Saturday, April 14, 2012

~Music Makes Me Happy - The Swell Season~

Okay, I'm late... But I am catching up on this because I can do that. So today is The Swell Season. They are so amazingly wonderful! Just listen.

Paper Cup

Falling Slowly

Feeling the Pull

See? Amazing!

~Music Makes Me Happy - Bon Iver/Justin Vernon~

Third Musical Monday today! Today will be about Bon Iver/Justin Vernon. You can call him what you want, it's the same person.


Bruised Orange (Chain of Sorrow)

I Can't Make You Love Me

Isn't he wonderful!!! And no, I did not forget about this. I didn't have a computer to post this until now.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

~Bike Rides and "updates"~

A couple of things...

I am writing a post about my spring break(17th - 25th), but the right words won't come to me. I have been trying to write since Saturday... But anyways, it is about what I did over Spring Break, how my best friend is my best friend again after, umm, I don't even know what happened, and going to watch The Hunger Games(Jaydinn and I pretty much never let go of each others hands...).

I know that I say "okay" and "so" A LOT in my posts, but that's because no other words that can replace those words come to my head in time. I do try not to say them, but my brain won't work fast enough.
Now for the "Bike Rides" part of this post.

Yesterday, Jaydinn and I went on a super long bike ride. Okay, so maybe it wasn't one long bike ride, but we were on our bikes pretty much all day! Our faces were so red and sweaty and gross and hot that Isaac asked why we had sunburns.
We were on our bikes all day, almost all around Clay Center.

Oh! Bonus! We felt like stalkers pretty much the whole day, too, even, though we were NOT stalking, we just were running into the same people all day. ("Running into" is not the right words, but the best way I can put it.)

Monday, March 26, 2012

~Music Makes Me Happy - Ray LaMontagne~

It's Monday again! And that means it's Music Monday!! Today it's Ray LaMontagne! He is WONDERFUL!! Let It Be Me and Be Here Now seriously makes me cry... and not just a tear or two, I BALL!!

So anyways, here are the three songs for you:

Let it Be Me

I Still Car For You

Forever My Friend

Be Here Now

Yes, I know that I put up four songs, but that last one really helped me through some stupid stuff that has happened to me. You can think of it as a bonus.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

~Annoying Little Things~

I hate stupid annoying little things, like:
When the left mouse button thing won't work right.

And when I can't figure Blogger out.

And, also, when the computer charger doesn't want to charge without unplugging itself all of the time.

Okay, sorry for that. It's just annoying. But listening to James Vincent McMorrow's voice makes these annoying little things just a little bit more tolerable. That does not look right, but it's not saying it's spelled wrong, so, it's going to work for now.

Monday, March 19, 2012

~The Hunger Games~Catching Fire~Mockingjay~

I know that I have already posted today, but that was supposed to be yesterday and it wasn't working so I had to wait for Jaydinn to get back from Colorado so that she could help figure this thing out... turns out I just needed the new version of Blogger, but I didn't know how to do that.
Okay, so I am assuming that you have read all of the books, but if you haven't THERE WILL BE SPOILERS!! So, you can either completely skip the rest of this post or continue to read. It's up to you! :D 

1. What is your favorite book in The Hunger Games Trilogy?
My favorite book is The Hunger Games but Catching Fire is a close second.

2. How long would you last in The Hunger Games?
I would probably, most likely die right away, but it's possible that I could run far away and hope to stay alive.

3. What was the strangest thing you thought was going to happen, but didn't?
Hunger Games: I did not think that Katniss was going to react the way she did when Peeta said he loved her during the interview before the Games. I thought she would ummm, I can't quite explain it, but it was not like that.
Catching Fire: When Peeta "died" from the force field I honestly thought that he was never coming back, but Finnick to the rescue!
Mockingjay: The assassination of the president... I'll just say that. I hope you understand what I'm saying there.

4. How were you introduced to The Hunger Games?
In the 2009-2010 school year, so many people were reading them(I'm not sure how many books were out then)and for some strange, stupid reason, I completely avoided them. After that, I didn't here to much about until this past Christmas when my Florida cousins and their parents came up - Eden loves Josh Hutcherson(Peeta), and she was freaking out about the movie and such. She tried explaining the story/plot of the book, but still wasn't totally convinced until I saw the previews for the first time. I thought it looked really interesting. My mom finally was like "You need to read them! They are so good," and I replied "Can I read it before the movie comes out?" (By the way my mom telling me to read them was at the end of February.) So, we bought the book.

5. What was your favorite moment of the trilogy?
Mockingjay has the best moment.
The Hunger Games: That one real moment that Katniss has with Peeta. You know what I'm talking about, right?
Catching Fire: Pretty much the same thing as above. I loved those moments!
Mockingjay: When Katniss realizes that she needs Peeta and he's the one that she loves. (The epilogue was freaking amazing though!)  

6. Who is your favorite character?
The Hunger Games: That is hard! Peeta and Katniss are pretty equal.
Catching Fire: Still Peeta and Katniss.
Mockingjay: Peeta and Katniss, but Finnick and Annie!!!!! Ugh, Finnick and Annie! So sweet!!

7. What District would you live in?
District 4 maybe. About half of my life, I lived really close to the ocean.

8. What was the most emotional moment for you?
The Hunger Games: The reaping. The roof. Rue's death. Peeta. When Katniss calls out Peeta's name.
Catching Fire: I don't know, there was too much in that book for me to pinpoint the most emotional moment. When Katniss talked about Rue and Thresh(I am crying now.)When Katniss kissed Gale - I HATED that. President Snow's visit. The jabberjays! Oh!!!!!! Cinna! That is it! That was SO sad!
Mockingjay: Finnick's death. Prim's death. Peeta coming to District 13 for the first time. When they find Katniss's prep team. Finnick's story. When Katniss gets smart. So much!

9. If you were chosen as tribute, what would your token be?
Something with a really good Bible verse on it.

10. What was the most evil thing about the book?
The Hunger Games: Tricking the tributes into thinking that there could be two tributes.
Catching Fire: I think it would have to be what happened to Cinna or the jabberjays screaming.
Mockingjay: Coin. That is all I need to say.

11. What are you most looking forward to in the movie?
The emotional stuff. (The reaping. The roof. Rue's death. Peeta. When Katniss calls out Peeta's name.)

I'm sorry that that was super-duper, really, extra long. Well it's after midnight, so I don't really need to worry about posting twice in the same day. But thanks for reading if you did. 

See you later!

~Music Makes Me Happy - James Vincent McMorrow~

I just decided that every Monday, I will put a couple videos of some of my favorite songs by whoever I am liking right now...

Okay, so, I just discovered James Vincent McMorrow last night, but he is absolutely amazing! So here are some videos

Wicked Game

Higher Love

If I Had A Boat

Oh yeah! I forgot to mention that he is Irish! But he is fantastic!
Thanks for reading! Goodbye!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

~Just For Your Happiness, Hailey~

Okay, so I KNOW that I haven't posted in forever. And Miss Hailey from Sincerely Hailey ( me that she checks this blog but there is nothing new. That meant a lot to me that someone actually "regularly" checks this here blog. So anyways, January has passed - if you read older posts, you can tell that I was not looking forward to it - and I had my birthday that I was dreading! Also, Christy and Dane left, and are now in Australia. Seeing facebook updates has definitely helped me with them not being here. The few times I cried was when I was listening to 'Lovers in Japan,' her "song," that's what I'm going to call it.

*If you haven't read 'The Hunger Games' or just want to watch the movie, you MIGHT not want to read some of this.* I read The Hunger Games series in less than a week - finished the last book around noon on the "12th"(I can't sleep, haven't slept yet, don't think I will sleep tonight.)... You could say that I am officially excited for the movie. (I will tell you, though that I was not picturing certain characters the way the movie people did, particularly Cinna, Gale, President Snow, and Haymitch, but overall, they did really good with the characters.) I have been freaking out all day, and(This is where you might want to skip) I THINK that I have figured something out. You know the little whistle-y thing they do at the end of the previews? Good. Because I am pretty sure that that little *four-note* whistle is Rue's signal - you know the one that she uses to tell Katniss that she's safe and in District 11, they use it to signal that the working day is over? Yeah, I was proud of myself for figuring that out. Haha. :D

Winter Jam was in Wichita on February 24th I think it was. My favorite part was Kari Jobe. Especially when she sang 'Revelation Song!' My mom was jealous, to say the least. We played laser tag the next day. We played two games with twenty people... I am proud to to have gotten 19th place BOTH times. We are going to Denver, Colorado this summer for our mission trip. We are going to do stuff around Clay Center during spring break. Coffeehouse has been good.

I am about to say goodbye - hopefully for a shorter amount of time this time around - but before I do I would like to apologize for three things:
1. For not blogging for months!
2. For the randomness of this post.
3. For possibly over-apologizing...

So, Goodbye until I write again. :)